Color schemes are harmonized sets of colors. In the absence of harmony, colors can clash or otherwise affect each other adversely. Here is the example1 and example 2.
Points from the websites:
- Warm colors (yellows, oranges, browns, yellow-greens, orange-reds, etc.) :
- aggressive and exciting, apply in small doses.
- Cool colors (blues, greens, pinks, purples, blue-greens, magentas, blue-reds) :
- soothing, calming , used in large amounts.
- Neutral colors (white, black, gray) :
- for back-grounds and for enhancing the effect of warm colors.
- Multi-color (warm + cool colors) :
- too much color can be cluttered and ambiguous, lowest visitation time.
- Color Harmony
- similar to musical chords, which simply means they're pleasing to the eye.
- too little can be boring.
- Color Association
- blue is associated with serenity
- red is associated with impulse buying
- choose a couple of colors and stick to them.
- Use only a few different colors on a page.
- Avoid using an excessive amount of colors.
- Blend and use warm and cool colors.
To know more about classic color scheme, you can go to see the color theory basic.
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